Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wal-Mart Plans to Market System for Digital Health Records -

Wal-Mart Plans to Market System for Digital Health Records -

Interesting play. EClinicalWorks has really made a tremendous push on the small size physician practice. This play by walmart/ecw/dell really targets a specific segment of the physician office - the small, cost oriented, "i want to get some of that stimulus money" physician segment. most physicians will dig into this offering and see it just isn't for them. EClinicalWorks has been plagued by service reputability, and buying an EMR is not just about buying a product - it's entering a marriage with a company. Sort of like buying a car.

Anyways, just goes to show the excitement about EMRs these days.

1 comment:

  1. any savings in dollar amounts will be offset by the 12-hour wait at the Wal-mart checkout counter.
