Thursday, June 11, 2009

The AMA does not speak for all doctors.

A.M.A. Opposes Government-Sponsored Health Plan -

This is infuriating. As the NYT correctly points out (unfortunately near the end of the article) - the AMA does not represent all physicians. Actually, there are 250k members, and last I checked I think there were approximately 730k physicians. Most physicians have more of an affinity to either their professional medical society (e.g. internal medicine is with American College of Physicians) or with their regional society (Massachusetts docs with Mass Med Society). The AMA does have the most members, but is by no means the voice of the majority of physicians.

1 comment:

  1. This is why I have not and will not join the AMA. I am not sure who makes up its membership - I suspect it is rank and file private practice docs but I don't know. I believe the AMA opposed Medicare, and is making the same mistake here in promoting the status quo, or at least favoring incremental change. We have to remember that it is a lobby group and a trade organization for docs, not patients and not the system as a whole.
