Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Annals of Medicine: The Cost Conundrum: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Annals of Medicine: The Cost Conundrum: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
As one of my mentors said - despite what we think, physicians are finely tuned economic machines.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The politics of health care reform
Fascinating. The strategy is probably true - wonder if it will work. And if it works, is that a good thing?
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I.B.M. Unveils Software to Find Trends in Vast Data Sets -
I.B.M. Unveils Software to Find Trends in Vast Data Sets -
if you can harness this technology on real time processing of microbiology data in a hospital, or even in a health system, you can track and squash disease outbreaks before they even happen.
the problem with the google flu tracker is that it required people to type in their personal data and there was a lag time before google could see that there was any real pandemic. NEJM article on that here. Google flu tracker to me is an imperfect solution that doesn't mine the right data. But this IBM technology, and I know other companies are out there doing this sort of stuff - is much more interesting, and powerful as a driver for improving health care.
Of side note, there was a kind of interesting new yorker article on one of the pioneers of real time data processing by malcolm gladwell. peripherally deals with data processing, but is more about team performance.
Share your Health Care Story
Organizing for America | Share your Health Care Story
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Designing hospital wards
Health Outcomes Driving New Hospital Design -
I worked on a study where we had to provide input on the benefits and trade-offs of having more single beds in a unit. This article seems to suggest that all single bedded units are good. The argument is that patients have increased privacy and less hospital acquired infections. Also, private rooms do reduce need for transfers, and can increase your room utilization.
When we looked into it, there was no consensus on what percent of rooms should be private, but estimates ranged from 50 to 100%. Some arguments against 100%:
-Obviously, the more you move to 100%, the larger your estate needs to be - leading to higher costs
-Private rooms have been shown to prevent hospital acquired infections a bit more than shared rooms, but one of the biggest driver of hospital acquired infections is health care workers following standard precautions, not the sharing of rooms
-There is little data to suggest that length of stay reduces for patients in private room
-Some patients in private rooms tend to feel more socially isolated
-It is harder for nurses to survey their patients and prevent injuries
I'll be the first to admit that these are not the strongest arguments against 100% private beds - I think the argument is strongest in an ICU where there is a tremendous amount of equipment and patients are critically ill. But in a general ward, I think the argument is less strong. And there are cheaper levers than redesigning a hospital from the ground up to reduce hospital acquired infections and make patients feel happier during their stay. Not arguing against 100% single bedded units, but as in any discussion like this, it's a cost-benefit analysis.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Misallocation of global health funding
PATH and WaterAid America released reports simultaneously demonstrating that diarrheal disease receives significantly less funding than other diseases, despite accounting for 17 percent of deaths of children under five.
There's been a lot of research on the misallocation of global health funding, but diarrheal diseases seems particularly amenable to correction (and tragic) - there's not much scientific research here - it's about implementation.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Access to Experimental Therapies
Part of the problem is the bewilderingly complex drug approval process. By many estimates, it takes 10-20 years from molecule discovery to commercial availability. Furthermore, harsh copyright and trademark laws prevent small biotechnology companies from competing with existing but often poor efficacy drugs already on the market. Finally, current legislation limits making a profit on compassionate use, which completely erases any incentive to absorb the high fixed costs to produce these therapies. Streamlining the FDA's approval process, making the process more transparent, and allowing innovative knock-on therapies to enter the market will provide needed treatments to people who need it and may make it financially palatable for small companies to continue research and development.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Hans Rosling at TED on HIV
From NYC to DC - Thomas Frieden
Friday, May 15, 2009
Health care cost containment
My guess is Obama's crew knew exactly what they were doing, trying to extract a commitment thinking that these stakeholders would not want to back on it in public. But when these trade groups' members freaked, they had no choice.
Primary care workforce shortage - is it real?
Female nurses and doctors
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Does Preventive Care Save Money?
NEJM -- Does Preventive Care Save Money?
The interesting thing here is that "although high-technology treatments for existing conditions can be expensive, such measures may, in certain circumstances, also represent an efficient use of resources." That's not to say we shouldn't make all our decisions based on economic reasoning devoid of value judgments (and I mean not "economic value" but "emotional value")... But if you were to look at this question purely from an economic value perspective, then this paper fairly definitively argues that opportunities for efficient investment in health care programs are roughly equal for prevention and treatment. This chart pretty much says it all to me.
Regardless, health care costs in America are too high for a sustainable economic future. There is *plenty* of room to more effectively use the right treatment and prevention to make America a healthier place, while getting more (economic) value for our health care dollar.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Does the physician or the hospital matter in delivering quality health care?
What is interesting is that centralising specialist services drives quality through both a “hospital” effect, but also a “physician” effect. Teasing this out is difficult. Physicians who see more of a particular diagnosis or perform a specific procedure tend to achieve higher quality outcomes.[3], [4], [5] Hospital-based services (e.g., intensive care, pain management, respiratory care, and nursing care) play an increasingly greater role in quality as the average length of stay lengthens.[6]
In the end we all look for the great doctor in the great hospital, right? But without clear definitions of what quality is in the first place, it's hard to figure out where to go anyways...
[1] Luft HS, Bunker JP, Enthoven AC. Should operations be regionalized? The empirical relation between surgical volume and mortality. N Engl J Med. 1979;301:1364-9.
[2] Begg CB, Cramer LD, Hoskins WJ, Brennan MF. Impact of hospital volume on operative mortality for major cancer
surgery. JAMA. 1998;280:1747-51.
[3] Hillner BE, Smith TJ, Desch CE. Hospital and physician volume or specialization and outcomes in cancer treatment: importance in quality of cancer care. J Clin Oncol 2000;18:2327-40.
[4] Hannan EL, Popp AJ, Tranmer B, Feustel P, Waldman J, Shah D. Relationship between provider volume and mortality for carotid endarterectomies in New York State. Stroke 1998;29:2292-7.
[5] Hannan EL, Siu AL, Kumar D, Kilburn H Jr, Chassin MR. The decline in coronary artery bypass graft surgery mortality in
[6] Dudley RA, Johansen KL, Brand R, Rennie DJ, Milstein A. Selective referral to high volume hospitals: estimating potentially avoidable deaths. JAMA 2000;283:1159-66.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Why cost control is hard to achieve in the US health care system
News Analysis - Obama’s Push for Health Care Cuts Faces Daunting Odds -
Welcome news that industry has voluntarily committed to health care cost control. But as this article points out - any cost control will hurt someone's bottom line - this paragraph tells almost all of the story :
"Insurers and health care providers are lobbying strenuously against cuts in their Medicare payments that would produce savings of the type they profess to want. Insurers are fighting Mr. Obama’s proposal to cut payments to their private Medicare Advantage plans by a total of $176 billion over 10 years. Doctors are pleading with Congress not to cut costs at their expense, in particular by allowing a 21 percent cut in their Medicare fees scheduled to occur in January. Pharmaceutical companies and makers of medical devices worry that new products may have to pass a cost-benefit test before being approved for coverage under Medicare."
Let's hope the current consensus building and the shared aspirations in Washington turns into a shared meaningful plan of action that truly controls health care costs.
Friday, May 8, 2009
G.E. Plans More Lower-Cost Health Products
G.E. Plans More Lower-Cost Health Products -
This is in line with what we had discussed last week with cellphone ultrasound technology.
I have to admit it has an unfortunate name - "healthymagination" - I think trying to be in line with their ecomagination campaign. The website for the campaign is here. I find the partnership with Intermountain Health Care on electronic medical records exciting for US health reform and the work on devices exciting for advancing health care in the developing world.
Would be great to see other large manufacturers to undertake these sorts of initiatives such as Toyota's neonatal incubator project with CIMIT/MIT, or Phillips HealthCare's portable EKG machine for rural healthcare. There is a market just in India and China alone, just need to make the business case.
The problem ends up being distribution channels in smaller countries or less developed regions - the "last mile" problem. There doesn't seem to be that big of a gap between essential health products and consumer packaged goods (e.g. coca cola, razors or sim cards) from internal research that I've seen, but it still is there. So even with these sorts of announcements, you can make the product, but it doesn't necessarily mean it will get to the people who need it.
Anyways, wandering between topics, but I think the GE announcement is exciting.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Ultrasound Exams by Phone
Ultrasound Exams by Phone - Gadgetwise Blog -
This professor has designed an add-on to a cell phone that could remotely send U/S images to a physician. And this quote blew me away: "“I have a design for one that in a few years could sell at Walgreens for $199 and still make money,” he said."
It only took $100k of funding to create this product. And will have a tremendous impact on health care if it can be commercialized.
Assessing the World Bank's health efforts | Promising to try harder
Assessing the World Bank's health efforts | Promising to try harder | The Economist
The economist has this article published the other day on the WB's external assessment. I think it is interesting that of the 220 projects, only 13% had an objective of "reducing poverty" which is the WB's overall mission and guiding principle for its existence.
I think it is great that the World Bank put out this assessment, and didn't hold back. I don't know much about the WB's governance and how projects are approved, but perhaps an "IRB-like" internal model could be established to ensure that the objectives and metrics are standardized across projects, and are in line with the WB's mission? But then again, folks I know working with the WB find the bureaucracy already cumbersome.
For explanation of IRB follow this link. To see WB report see here.